Sunday, January 07, 2007

Vang Vieng - To visit or not to visit?

Limestones karsts from my balcony

Before coming to Vang Vieng I've heard a lot of people avoiding the place. They told me the nights are quite dead, if you are not into watching endless reruns of Friends. Sure enough, I don't really like the place too. There are lots of restaurants with low tables occupied by red-eyed people, watching Friends (This phenomenon has just made Friends a TV series I might never watch again. The Simpsons, showed in one place, can not become one. We love you Homer!). That means that my places to eat are limited. In addition, the place is full with other "kinds" of tourists, I am not really fund of. As in Bangkok, you have the showing off, loud, wear almost nothing, party tourists, here for a short time to have fun, conveniently ignoring the local culture.

Nevertheless, I managed to spend a week here. The secret is finding a nice calm place, away for the big mess (unless you want part of it), with magnificent view and a balcony to watch (photo upload somewhere in the future when I'll have broader bandwidth). I've found a couple of places to eat, where there is no television, so I didn't watch any reruns of Friends. I also went rock climbing for three days, which took a considerable part of my time, other than reading my book and listening to music.

Now I only have to decide whether I move on tomorrow or the day after, knowing it is the ending of my visit to this country and the beginning of a new one.

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