Monday, January 01, 2007

Beer Lao (and other unavoidable alcoholic beverages)

Classic Lao Lunch

It is unavoidable, the T-shirts are everywhere, here comes Beer Lao!

Beer Lao is produced in Lao. I was about to try and work my mind a bit to recall what I know about it, but why bother when I can have another bottle you and refer you to here? It is quite good and very cheap, around a dollar (less in a grocery store) for 640ml. It is a big problem for me as alcohol and me don't mix most of the times. So I keep consumed amounts low. And no, I have no intention of buying a T-shirt, advertising it here is a must because it is part of the experience, but advertising it on a T-shirt is too much for me right now. Anyhow, what else is available?

Dark beer Lao - I haven't tried it yet.
Lao Bia - The only other legal beer in Laos. It is made out of palm sugar and had a sweet taste to it, or that what I vaguely remember. It has an antique looking label, written in French.
Lao Lao - The local produced whisky, made out of sticky rice. It comes in different percents in volume, as it is not scientifically produced in some factory. I can smell it, which says a lot about it (not too strong) and it reminds of the Japanese alcohol drink, Saki, also produced from rice. Almost every trip you'll book will include with a visit to a Lao Lao producing village.

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