Sunday, February 11, 2007


10 Feb - Crossing to Cambodia, an unpleasant ride, made better with the company of John, Sunna and Alice from Korea.
11 Feb - Slow day, waking up late, walking to royal palace, which was closed, getting a hair cut, moving back to the museum an surprise! I met Zack and Shannon again, in the men's room (Only Zack was there, don't get excited...). We went to the lake (forgot his name) and watched the sunset. Until next time...
12 Feb - Choeung Ek killing fields and Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum
13 Feb - Bus to Siem Reap
14-16 Feb - The Angkor experience
17 Feb (Happy new Chinese year) - Boat trip to Battambang
18 Feb - A leisurely day in Battambang and a countryside tour on a motorbike, including the fruit village and the bamboo train.
19 Feb - Crossing to Thailand, a multi-buses adventure.

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