Sunday, February 18, 2007


I arrived yesterday to Battambang. There isn't much to see, but what I did was very nice.

I wanted to rest today so I took the local tour quite late, around 16:00, when the sunset is around 18:00. Nevertheless, I went on a motorbike with a driver (moto taxi) and he showed me around. The countryside is really close by and the tour was about traveling through country roads, passing fields and villages, and no other tourist in sight. Some of the roads were more trails than actual roads. All the kids around said hello to me all the time and low five-d me while I was on the motorbike (Why not high five? Are you nuts? That's something reserved for Shaq only!). We stopped by one house, walked through its backyard/field, ate loads of fruits (for a small donation of course...) and some rice wine (again!). Then we took advantage of the hammocks around. According to my guide, other than chilling out, the hammocks are used to sleep outside around April, the hottest month of the year, and for the babies, who can be "shaked" to sleep.

After that we went to see the bamboo train. I thought it was a joke, but it is a real thing, used by the villages to get to and from the city and the country side. The "train" is a wood platform, sitting on two hinges with wheels and a small engine connected to one of the hinges. When two trains come from different sides, the lightest one has to be deconstructed and constructed again on the other side. I didn't take a ride because it was too late for traffic back to the city and I had to chart the whole thing. So I just took photos and played some coconut football with the kids.

The guide introduced me to the term: "Cambodian snow", so now I have a name to what I'm covered for the last five days. If you haven't figured it out yet, it's dust.

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