Saturday, December 16, 2006

Tempting offers

A famous world traveller once said: "anyway, worse thing - you get screwed and you move on.. it's part of travelling (you get to be fucked on daily basis in India)"
When we arrived to Huay Xai we looked for a bus to Luang Nam Tha. We read that the road to Luang Nam Tha was one of the worst, and that the only option to go there is by a public bus (I'm not sure about the boat option). Prepared to face this rough but adventurous option, one travel agency caught us with the possibility to go by a private mini-van for the same price. Tempted by the alternative, we bought our ticket from that agency. The next morning the mini-van was "broken", but we were promised that we will be taken "free" to the bus station and go on a public bus from there. Well, that was what we originally expected, so it was fine with us. (Another Israeli couple just got their money back and went on their own). When the taxi driver dropped us off, it wasn't at the bus station at all. He said that he arranged us a "better" ride to go there.

And so we went to Loang Nam Tha with a truck/bus used to deliver motorcycles to our destination. We were just extra "goods" for delivery and so some people made more money from this fact. But we had a pleasant journey, with a full seat for each person (we were four and one or two people picked up on the way). It was quite fast and comfortable, even more than the mini-van taking us from Chiang Mai to Chiang Khong in Thailand

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So I don't see where was the scam? With comparing you to common goods? In that part of the world a bike is more valuable than some white-ass first-world no-good can't-hunt can't-cook ivy league hi-tech graduate...